Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know well the plans I have in mind for your welfare, not for woe, plans to give you a future full of hope."
This is a blog for family and friends to follow the adventures of our marriage along the way including our ups and downs and the lessons we have learned. I hope to inspire other young Catholic couples to raise Catholic families.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Group: Third Day
Album: Come Together
Song: It's All Right
Year: 2001
Your letter said that you were leaving
But you didn't know how long
I have never stopped believing
That one day you would return
And though waiting is the hardest
Part of everything I do
I do confess it's getting better
Knowing I will be with you
It's alright
It's okay
I won't worry about tomorrow
For it brings me one more day
Closer than I was to you
Now the question isn't "will you"
What I want to know is "when"
If it's one day or a million
I will wait for you 'til then
So I'm holding on to your words
And the promises you've made
There is not one you have broken
There's not one I didn't take
Your letter said that you were leaving
But you didn't know how long
I will never stop believing
I know one day you will return
This song is a song with so much hope. So much hope that tomorrow brings us closer together than we were the day before to the one that we love. I have said words like this before. I may have even heard words like this before. But I have never stopped believing that someday you would return to me. Here you are with me now and forever. Here you are to stay. This song gives me hope in tomorrow.
I am thankful each day for you and the tomorrows that we will share. I will strive not to worry about tomorrow. I will strive to remember and be thankful that we have more tomorrows ahead.
It's all right.
It's okay.
I won't worry about tomorrow.
For it brings me ONE MORE DAY
Closer than I was to you.
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -- Matthew 6:34
Prayer at the beginning of the day
Thank you Lord for letting us see the rising sun and the start of a brand new day. Thank you for letting us wake up next to the one we love. Watch over us and protect us through the day. Give us the strength to make it through to the end of day.
Prayer at the end of the day
Thank you Lord for letting us see the end of another day. Thank you for giving us one more day with the one we love. Watch over us and protect us as we sleep. Give us a brand new day tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Goals for the Future
I have never been one to make resolutions for the New Year. Resolutions have always been like empty promises that get broken a day or two after the New Year begins. Most people are quick to give up when a resolution is broken. They have nothing to strive for the rest of the year. I prefer to set personals goals. With a goal, you strive all year long to accomplish it. You are freer to go about your day, week, month, and even the year with each goal in mind rather than the resolution looming over your head. Some people are quick to break their resolutions so that they do not have the extra added pressure on themselves to keep up with something that is next to impossible to do. The advantage with a goal versus resolution is you give yourself an entire year to accomplish it and if you do not make it on the first day then there is always the next day. There is even the next week and month for you to try and achieve the goal. A goal takes time to accomplish and there is a great feeling attached to it when you have finally reached your goal. The key is to set a modest goal. Set goals that you can reach within the year. Set goal that you can even reach within 6 months so as you start to slack off as the year drudges on you can still hit them by the time December 31st comes sneaking up on you. And who says that you have to wait until January 1st to start working on your goals? If you set them early, then you can start them right away. By the time you get to February, you can be 1/3 of the way to reaching your goal and then you can relax a bit before you have to go at it full force again.
In November 2008, I set pretty lofty goals for 2009. They might have seemed unattainable at the time but my life was going in an upward swing and I wanted to set some pretty high goals to strive for throughout the year. I started them before 2008 ended and even as unattainable the goals seemed, I managed to accomplish them all before the year was even half over. The one goal I thought would be the hardest to attain was to find the one person I was going to marry. I did not have to be married or even engaged by the end of the year. I just wanted to find the person that I could say “He’s the one.” Not only did I find him (he had actually been right there all along) we were engaged on May 29 and the year was not even half over. I had so much to look forward to the rest of the year.
With a wedding set for April, the goals for 2010 were set naturally through planning. Moving to a new town helped to set a few more goals. I wanted the wedding to go off without a hitch. Things went pretty smoothly. There were a few things that could have been done differently but for the most part it was a great wedding. Everyone all around had a good time. Adjusting to a new town and a new life was not such an easy task. I did not know anyone here and finding new friends was not so easy. I missed my old friends and activities in Orlando. There was always something going on at least once a week to keep me busy. There was always someone to call or close by to cheer me up when I was feeling a bit down. Adjusting to a new role as full time wife was harder than I thought. It took a while to get into the swing of weekly versus daily house chores. Eventually we were able to find a Church that we both could agree we could grow. A parish we could be active parishioners and raise our kids. I was able to find two prayer groups I can go to once a week and feel like a larger family. I am still adjusting to my new role as wife but I am happy to have found a nice young adult group with other young families I can look to as examples of a good Catholic home. There is still a lot of adjustments to be made but I would say that the goals that were set for 2010 all have been met just in time to ring in the New Year.
Setting goals for 2011 has been different than previous years. I am used to setting my own personal goals. I did not have to think about what anyone else wanted or was trying to accomplish. For this New Year, I not only had to set personal goals but family goals. I had to think about what goals we wanted to accomplish together as a family. Kris and I decided to set a few goals together so that we can try to encourage one another to stick to them. We have already decided on a few goals. We want to read a book a month. Twelve books to enlighten us and make us wiser. We want to exercise – walk or ride our bikes – 2 to 3 times a week. We want to increase our faith and become more involved in our Church. We want to stick to a tight budget and work on paying off our debt. We will encourage each other throughout the New Year to keep up with the goals that we have decided on as a family for 2011.
In November 2008, I set pretty lofty goals for 2009. They might have seemed unattainable at the time but my life was going in an upward swing and I wanted to set some pretty high goals to strive for throughout the year. I started them before 2008 ended and even as unattainable the goals seemed, I managed to accomplish them all before the year was even half over. The one goal I thought would be the hardest to attain was to find the one person I was going to marry. I did not have to be married or even engaged by the end of the year. I just wanted to find the person that I could say “He’s the one.” Not only did I find him (he had actually been right there all along) we were engaged on May 29 and the year was not even half over. I had so much to look forward to the rest of the year.
With a wedding set for April, the goals for 2010 were set naturally through planning. Moving to a new town helped to set a few more goals. I wanted the wedding to go off without a hitch. Things went pretty smoothly. There were a few things that could have been done differently but for the most part it was a great wedding. Everyone all around had a good time. Adjusting to a new town and a new life was not such an easy task. I did not know anyone here and finding new friends was not so easy. I missed my old friends and activities in Orlando. There was always something going on at least once a week to keep me busy. There was always someone to call or close by to cheer me up when I was feeling a bit down. Adjusting to a new role as full time wife was harder than I thought. It took a while to get into the swing of weekly versus daily house chores. Eventually we were able to find a Church that we both could agree we could grow. A parish we could be active parishioners and raise our kids. I was able to find two prayer groups I can go to once a week and feel like a larger family. I am still adjusting to my new role as wife but I am happy to have found a nice young adult group with other young families I can look to as examples of a good Catholic home. There is still a lot of adjustments to be made but I would say that the goals that were set for 2010 all have been met just in time to ring in the New Year.
Setting goals for 2011 has been different than previous years. I am used to setting my own personal goals. I did not have to think about what anyone else wanted or was trying to accomplish. For this New Year, I not only had to set personal goals but family goals. I had to think about what goals we wanted to accomplish together as a family. Kris and I decided to set a few goals together so that we can try to encourage one another to stick to them. We have already decided on a few goals. We want to read a book a month. Twelve books to enlighten us and make us wiser. We want to exercise – walk or ride our bikes – 2 to 3 times a week. We want to increase our faith and become more involved in our Church. We want to stick to a tight budget and work on paying off our debt. We will encourage each other throughout the New Year to keep up with the goals that we have decided on as a family for 2011.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Outside my window... it is a beautiful and sunny 54 degrees.
I am thinking... what “goals” are we setting for 2011?
I am thankful for... a wonderful husband. He is the best gift I have ever received.
From the kitchen... dishes are done. Food is made. Just a tad bit more tidying and organizing to do before the cycle starts all over again.
I am wearing... my pajamas – sweats and long sleeve shirt – to stay warm.
I am creating... our scrapbook.
I am going... to enjoy the beautiful sun and cool day outside. It is a great day to sit outside with a book and a hot cup of coffee.
I am reading... the end of House Rules by Jodi Picoult. It has been a while since I started reading it and with only a few days left in the year, I hope to finally finish it. Then I can start one of the new books on my 2011 reading list.
I am hoping praying... we do not have to keep driving up to Pasco County to check on the rental property late at night. Prayers for a renter very soon!
I am hearing... an archive of Dave Ramsey’s radio program from Wednesday, December 22, 2010. What an inspiration! I cannot wait to call his program to scream “We’re debt free!”
Around the house... there is just tidy work to be done before the cycle of major house chores begins again.
One of my favorite things... cuddling with the one you love especially when it is cold outside.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Thursday: Quality time with my husband on his day off
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
My Kelly girl…
The Simple Woman's Daybook is a brief outline for women/mothers who blog to use as a way to compose thoughts, plan the week, and keep a grateful heart. It is typically published once a week on Tuesdays.
Outside my window... it is a beautiful and sunny 54 degrees.
I am thinking... what “goals” are we setting for 2011?
I am thankful for... a wonderful husband. He is the best gift I have ever received.
From the kitchen... dishes are done. Food is made. Just a tad bit more tidying and organizing to do before the cycle starts all over again.
I am wearing... my pajamas – sweats and long sleeve shirt – to stay warm.
I am creating... our scrapbook.
I am going... to enjoy the beautiful sun and cool day outside. It is a great day to sit outside with a book and a hot cup of coffee.
I am reading... the end of House Rules by Jodi Picoult. It has been a while since I started reading it and with only a few days left in the year, I hope to finally finish it. Then I can start one of the new books on my 2011 reading list.
I am
I am hearing... an archive of Dave Ramsey’s radio program from Wednesday, December 22, 2010. What an inspiration! I cannot wait to call his program to scream “We’re debt free!”
Around the house... there is just tidy work to be done before the cycle of major house chores begins again.
One of my favorite things... cuddling with the one you love especially when it is cold outside.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Thursday: Quality time with my husband on his day off
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
My Kelly girl…
Kelly presented flowers in honor of Mama Edad who could not be at the wedding with us. |
The Simple Woman's Daybook is a brief outline for women/mothers who blog to use as a way to compose thoughts, plan the week, and keep a grateful heart. It is typically published once a week on Tuesdays.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Happy birthday my love!
Today as we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, we also celebrate my husband's birthday. I was so happy to attend Mass together with my husband not only on his birthday but also on a great feast day as well. We went to Mass at The Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in St. Petersburg.
Readings for Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
First reading: Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 128: 1-2, 3, 4-5
Second Reading: Colossians 3: 12-21
Gospel: Matthew 2: 13-15, 19-23
Each reading today looked at the role of each member of the family with a lot of emphasis on the Father. We are given the qualities it takes to be a good family and good member of that family.
We both look to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph as our prime example of what it means to be a family and the importance of a family. We know that not only do we possess the things we need to be the wife, mother, daughter, sister, husband, father, brother, and son that we are meant to be but we also know that God's grace is sufficient enough to be all these things.
I ask and pray as a blessing on my darling husband on this day of his birth that he may someday be the father that the Lord intended him to be. I ask St. Joseph to intercede for him. I pray that he may have the humble heart of St. Joseph to lead and his family as the Lord commands him.
Happy birthday to my amazing and wonderful husband!
Readings for Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
First reading: Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 128: 1-2, 3, 4-5
Second Reading: Colossians 3: 12-21
Gospel: Matthew 2: 13-15, 19-23
Each reading today looked at the role of each member of the family with a lot of emphasis on the Father. We are given the qualities it takes to be a good family and good member of that family.
We both look to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph as our prime example of what it means to be a family and the importance of a family. We know that not only do we possess the things we need to be the wife, mother, daughter, sister, husband, father, brother, and son that we are meant to be but we also know that God's grace is sufficient enough to be all these things.
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The Holy Family - The Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Peterburg, FL |
I ask and pray as a blessing on my darling husband on this day of his birth that he may someday be the father that the Lord intended him to be. I ask St. Joseph to intercede for him. I pray that he may have the humble heart of St. Joseph to lead and his family as the Lord commands him.
Happy birthday to my amazing and wonderful husband!
Topics tagged
Feast Day,
Holy Family,
First Holidays
One of the difficult things to figure out during marriage is how to divide our time between both families for the holidays. There are a couple of really big holidays during the last few months of the year that give us a great opportunity to spend time with family. But it is hard to divide our time between two different families when our family is spread pretty far across Florida. Even harder when our schedule only gives us a day or so off to celebrate holidays with family. Someone has to be at the paper to make sure those after holiday sale ads make it to your driveway Thanksgiving and Christmas morning.
This year Kris was able to get both Thanksgiving day and Christmas day off from work. With only one day off for the holidays, it was easy to decide where to go for the holidays. All of Kris' family lives within 20 minutes of one another and only about 45 minutes from us. Having just one day off gives us a perfect chance to spend time with them and be able to make it home all in the same day. The hard part is with only one day off we cannot make it to see both sides of the family. Since my family is spread across three different parts of the state more than an hour away from us, it is more difficult to visit each of them. We try to visit them all when we have a day or two off but that does not happen very often.
Unfortunately, our Thanksgiving plans did not go as well as we planned. A few unexpected events changed our family plans for Thanksgiving but we still managed to spend a little time with Kris' parents as well as his sister and her family. We were happy to see the kids and how much they had grown over the last year.
We spent our first Christmas with Kris' family.The day started off with cookies and punch at Mom and Dad's to open our Christmas gifts. We were happy to receive many gifts to add to our display in our china cabinet. One of my favorite gifts was a picture Dad painted of our first house on a stained piece of wood. I was so surprised to see it that it almost made me cry. Dad even put our name and address on the corner. It matches well with the wooden plates Kris received of the homes that the family lived in during his childhood. It is a very touching piece and for now it completes our set of paintings of the homes. For dinner, we went over to Hannah and Olli's for a real German dinner. We enjoyed a perfectly cooked pot roast with a delicious sauce, mashed and scalloped potatoes, sweet potato and carrot casserole, and a salad. After all that food, we were so full there was no room for dessert. It was nice to spend with friends and family this Christmas. We got to see how much Ella and Owen have grown since we had seen them last just a month before. Both babies were able to crawl around. They had fun with their new toys but had even more fun with the the balls of wrapping paper. I am so amazed how tall Annika is getting. At almost 4 years of age, she stands almost half as tall as me. Pretty soon I will be looking down at her.
The holidays have been great with family. We look forward to next year's holidays and all the fun with the children. We look forward to time spent with both sides of the family next year.
This year Kris was able to get both Thanksgiving day and Christmas day off from work. With only one day off for the holidays, it was easy to decide where to go for the holidays. All of Kris' family lives within 20 minutes of one another and only about 45 minutes from us. Having just one day off gives us a perfect chance to spend time with them and be able to make it home all in the same day. The hard part is with only one day off we cannot make it to see both sides of the family. Since my family is spread across three different parts of the state more than an hour away from us, it is more difficult to visit each of them. We try to visit them all when we have a day or two off but that does not happen very often.
Unfortunately, our Thanksgiving plans did not go as well as we planned. A few unexpected events changed our family plans for Thanksgiving but we still managed to spend a little time with Kris' parents as well as his sister and her family. We were happy to see the kids and how much they had grown over the last year.
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Annika - age 3 |
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Minnie Annika |
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Twins Ella & Owen - age 9 months |
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Ella - age 9 months |
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Owen - age 9 months |
We spent our first Christmas with Kris' family.The day started off with cookies and punch at Mom and Dad's to open our Christmas gifts. We were happy to receive many gifts to add to our display in our china cabinet. One of my favorite gifts was a picture Dad painted of our first house on a stained piece of wood. I was so surprised to see it that it almost made me cry. Dad even put our name and address on the corner. It matches well with the wooden plates Kris received of the homes that the family lived in during his childhood. It is a very touching piece and for now it completes our set of paintings of the homes. For dinner, we went over to Hannah and Olli's for a real German dinner. We enjoyed a perfectly cooked pot roast with a delicious sauce, mashed and scalloped potatoes, sweet potato and carrot casserole, and a salad. After all that food, we were so full there was no room for dessert. It was nice to spend with friends and family this Christmas. We got to see how much Ella and Owen have grown since we had seen them last just a month before. Both babies were able to crawl around. They had fun with their new toys but had even more fun with the the balls of wrapping paper. I am so amazed how tall Annika is getting. At almost 4 years of age, she stands almost half as tall as me. Pretty soon I will be looking down at her.
The painting of our first home |
Aunt Eileen was making animal noises with Annika |
Uncle Kris and Owen |
Aunt Eileen and Owen |
Owen was sitting up straight and tall... |
...but he loved playing ball with Uncle Kris. |
Uncle Kris had a great time too while Ella looked on |
Owen thought the wrapping paper was a lot of fun. |
Annika was so sad to see us go |
The holidays have been great with family. We look forward to next year's holidays and all the fun with the children. We look forward to time spent with both sides of the family next year.
Topics tagged
family gatherings,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Outside my window... Right now it is 56 degrees with winds from the NNE at 5mph. The low tonight is going to be 42 degrees. The highs are in the 50s for the next 12 hours. Why does it FEEL so much colder????
I am thinking... Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Please Santa do not bring me a lump of coal. I have been a very good girl.
I am thankful for... friends who are prayer warriors and are always there to offer prayers when you need it. Thank you so much to Sharon, Kathy, Pat, Laura, and Maria for praying over me last night when I really needed it. Prayers have helped tremendously and I am on the road to a clear mind.
From the learning rooms... Although we do not have children yet, there is always learning going on. I am learning every day how to be a better wife and someday a Mom.
From the kitchen... the sink is full of dirty dishes, the dishwasher needs to be unloaded, the stove needs to be cleaned… There is so much to be done!
I am wearing... my pajamas. I love pajamas. They are so comfortable.
I am creating... a home with my husband. A home that will someday be suitable for children to laugh and play. A safe home full of love. A home they can always come to and find a warm hug and gentle kisses from Mom and Dad.
I am
I am reading... Currently, House Rules by Jodi Picoult. I do not have the time or sometimes the motivation (it comes and goes) I only have ¼ left and I do not want to put it down when I get the chance and motivation to read.
Reading list for 2011:
Six books for learning and growing
1. Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey
2. Graced and Gifted : Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker’s Heart by Kimberly Hahn
3. Life-Giving Love: Embracing God’s Beautiful Design for Marriage by Kimberly Hahn
4. The Body Reveals God : A Guided Study of Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body by Katrina J. Zeno
5. The Authentic Catholic Woman by Genevieve Kineke
6. Good News about Sex & Marriage : Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching by Christopher West
Six books for leisure and pleasure
1. Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult
2. Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult
3. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
4. The Shack by William Paul Young
5. Fireproof : Never Leave your Partner by Eric Wilson
6. The Equation that Couldn’t be Solved : How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry by Mario Livio
My original intention was to alternate between book of learning and leisure but I have decided that these are the 12 books I would like to read next year. They can be read in any order but all 12 must be read by the end of the year.
I hope also to do more Bible reading and praying on a daily basis to keep myself spiritually connected.
I am
I am hearing... the sound of the washing machine and dryer. There is ALWAYS laundry to be done!
Around the house... there is much to be cleaned and organized. There is so much to do for our house to become a home. We have papers to be filed and organized and a whole room that needs to be cleared. We are in no rush as we know it takes a lifetime of love to make a home complete.
One of my favorite things... is warm fresh, crisp laundry. I love warm soft clothes as they come out of the dryer. Sometimes I just want to put it on right there. I do not mind washing it because the washing machine and dryer do all the work. I dread folding it and putting it away.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Clean and organize the house
Saturday: Christmas day with the in-laws
Sunday: Hubby’s 35th birthday and the Feast of the Holy Family
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged. Then have my lips the sin that they have took. Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.
The Simple Woman's Daybook is a brief outline for women/mothers who blog to use as a way to compose thoughts, plan the week, and keep a grateful heart. It is typically published once a week on Tuesdays.
Topics tagged
The Simple Woman's Daybook,
Monday, December 13, 2010
Outside my window... it is way too cold for it to be Florida. Temperatures are supposed to drop into the 30s with highs only in the 50s. Someone please tell Mother Nature that this is STILL Florida. We prefer it to be a bit warmer or ask that it snow.
I am thinking... it better warm up pretty soon. Late night drives to check on the rental in the cold are not very much fun. Having to drive up every 3 days or so are not fun either.
I am thankful for... a heater that works, warm blankets, and someone nice and warm to snuggle up with at night.
From the kitchen… the only things I have made recently are finger foods or treats. I need a new recipe or two to get the creative juices flowing again.
I am wearing... sweat pants, a long sleeve tee shirt, and socks and I am STILL cold.
I am creating... more holiday memories. This first Christmas is turning out to be a very special one.
I am going... on an adventure with my hubby to check on the rental and make sure the pipes do not freeze. I have to wonder if this is still Florida when you are talking about a hard freeze warning.
I am reading... House Rules (still) and thinking about the reading list for 2011. I want to alternate every month between a book for pleasure and a book that helps me to be a better wife and someday a mother. Our goal is one book a month for 2011. I want to exceed it and read 18 books.
I am
I am hearing... the sound of the computer working hard.
Around the house... not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. (Well, maybe the cat but she just may be too cold to even scamper around the house)
One of my favorite things... a cup of hot coffee on a cold winter’s day.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Tuesday: Check on the rental, Quality time with my husband
Thursday: Prayer group
Friday and Saturday: RELAX
Sunday: Baptism, Simbang Gabi
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Feast Day: December 12
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Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe |
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San Juan Diego & Our Lady of Guadalupe |
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Holy Day: December 8
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O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. |
The Magnificat
Luke 1: 46-55
My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
For He has regarded the low estate of His handmaiden,
For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with His arm:
He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
and exalted those of low degree.
He has filled the hungry with good things;
and the rich He has sent empty away.
He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy;
As He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to His posterity forever.
The Simple Woman's Daybook is a brief outline for women/mothers who blog to use as a way to compose thoughts, plan the week, and keep a grateful heart. It is typically published once a week on Tuesdays
Holiday letter 2010
2010 Holiday Season
Brief summary of 2009
May 2009: Engaged
September 2009: Set April 10, 2010 as the wedding day.
October 2009: Vacationed to New Orleans, LA.
December 2009: Shoulder surgery, Purchased their first home
Highlights from 2010
April 2010: Wedding and honeymoon to Rome, Grandma Rosa’s 90th birthday
May 2010: First family gathering at our new home
July 2010: Became godparents to Ella and Owen Neumann.
August 2010: John and Sharon's 40th Wedding Anniversary
September 2010: Labor Day barbecue, Vacation to Savannah, GA
October 2010: Victor and Charry’s 39th Wedding Anniversary
November 2010: Mexico cruise
This has been a very busy year for both of us. With a wedding in April and keeping up with a new home, this year has been full of more excitement than either one of us have had in both our lifetimes.
The end of 2009 kept us both so busy that it spilled over into 2010. We ended 2009 with the purchase of our first home and much needed shoulder repair for me. This complicated the start of 2010 and made planning a wedding more difficult than either of us expected. Since we moved the wedding from August to April and surgery was in December, it was necessary to hire a wedding planner to be my extra hands and feet all over Orlando. Thank God for our wedding planner, Shannon Humphrey. She made it easy to balance work, physical therapy, and our new home with planning our wedding.
I counted the early days of 2010 until our wedding, and it came upon us very quickly. After nine years together, we finally were married on April 10, 2010 at Holy Family Catholic Church in Orlando. Father Kenny Aquino officiated our traditional Catholic Filipino wedding. Our reception was at held Mystic Dunes Resort in Celebration, FL. After I made the big move, we spent a week in Rome for our honeymoon. We enjoyed visiting the Vatican and all the sights throughout Rome despite a small volcano eruption in Iceland that affected most of the airports in Europe during our stay. Fortunately, we did not experience any delays in our return flight home. After our return home, Grandma Rosa celebrated her 90th birthday, and my parents held a double celebration for both of us. We enjoyed greeting family and friends as newlyweds for the first time.
In May, Kris’ brother Paul and I celebrated our birthdays on the same day. Paul turned 29 while I celebrated 29 again for the eighth time. This was our first gathering in our new home. We did not think we would have our house ready. We still had a lot to unpack, and we only had three short weeks to prepare after the excitement from the wedding died down. We managed to pull off a successful party for fifteen people including a toddler and twin babies.
In July, we became godparents to Kris’ sister’s twins Ella Christina and Owen Christopher who were born January 2010. They are the first godchildren for both of us, and we now have five nieces and three nephews between the two of us.
We hosted our second family gathering in our new home on Labor Day. The family barbecue turned out to be a big success. We managed to fit 20 adults, 4 kids, and the twins in our new home with enough places to sit and enough food for everyone. We even had leftovers for all to take home. Everyone had a great time and we received many compliments from all that attended.
We are blessed between both of our parents there is almost 80 years of marriage experience. They have provided us with an excellent example of marriage. They have had their difficulties, but they have managed to stay together. They give credit to their faith and trust in God. In August, Kris’ Mom and Dad celebrated 40 years of wedded bliss. We hosted an anniversary dinner at Gigi’s Italian restaurant in St. Petersburg for family and friends. I made them a small scrapbook showing just a brief history of the last 40 years. In October, my Mom and Dad celebrated 39 years of wedded bliss. Mom and Dad enjoyed a weekend in Orlando remembering their own day by attending a wedding of the daughter of close family friends.
Besides our honeymoon to Rome, we enjoyed two other vacations. Our first vacation was a three-day trip to Savannah, GA in September. We saw the tallest lighthouse in Georgia in Tybee Island. We rode the trolley around Savannah to see the historical sights. We even ate lunch at Paula Deen’s famous restaurant, Lady and Sons.
Our second vacation was in November. Neither of us had ever been on a cruise, and Kris was looking forward to a vacation where he did not have to drive. This was the perfect opportunity. We enjoyed a 5-day cruise to Costa Maya and Cozumel, Mexico. We saw the Mayan ruins at Kohunlich in Costa Maya. We climbed to the top of a few of the ruins. I was able to climb to the top of two of the ruins, while Kris enjoyed climbing to the top of couple more. I could definitely tell the steps were steeper than the 138 Spanish Steps in Rome. We enjoyed a walking tour and shopping in Cozumel. It was a nice relaxing time for both of us.
Here we are now at the end of 2010 and a new year is fast approaching. We both are looking forward to the many adventures 2011 has in store for us. We cannot wait to share with you all our exciting news of the upcoming year.
We would like to send you and your family the love and blessings of our Lord this holiday season. We hope you find the joy of the Lord this new year and many years to come.
With lots of love,
Kris and Eileen Mae
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Our 2010 Christmas photo card -- for family and friends |
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Our 2010 Christmas photo card -- for local friends |
Topics tagged
Holiday Letter,
Year in Review
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A tour of our first home
Our First Home |
Welcome to our first home. Take your shoes off and take a tour of our home. Please excuse the mess. We are still working on the details and turning our first house into a home. These pictures were taken on the day of inspection. The previous owners were still in the process of packing and getting ready to move. The house looks much different with our furniture and some of the do-it-yourself home improvements we have done.
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Welcome to our home. |
As soon as you enter our front door, you enter a large front foyer. Today you will find a few wall decorations and a old bench that once belonged to Kris' parents. There are three name tags on the bench with each of the children's names engraved on. We store all our family board games that we hope to use someday for family entertainment nights at our home.
Take your shoes off and take a tour with me. |
Right in front of you as you enter the home is our living room. Today we have three large bookshelves against the wall on the right. This is our library. There are many old text books of different subjects. There are books of all genres. You can find just about anything from a literary classic to a recent New York Times Best Seller. There is also a desk filled with paperwork from past and present that still has to be sorted. There is a chessboard set up for anyone who thinks they have the wits to be our resident Bobby Fischer (that would be my husband) Against the back wall we have our DVD and VHS video collection. There are over 200 movies of various genres for our date nights at home.
Our living room with library and study. |
Turning left as you enter, you will see what I used to think was a sore thumb but is actually a large pantry. It divides our dining room from the breakfast nook in the kitchen. We have a nice China cabinet with old Bavarian China that once belonged to Kris' Grandmother given to us by my in-laws. I have yet to complete the display but I hope to someday display the old hand crafted China for all to see. We have a small glass table that we use when we have company over for dinner.
Come over and join us for dinner. |
The dining room looks out into the living room |
We have an open kitchen with a low bar area that looks out into the living room. I can see the entire living room wall as well as any children who might someday be sitting on the couch watching TV. I can even see the dining room very well so I can continue to prepare dinner and entertain guests from in the kitchen.
A nice open kitchen gives me a view of the whole living room and dining room. |
There is plenty of counter space for kitchen gadgets and to prepare meals. |
There is a nice mural of Venice, Italy painted on the wall in the breakfast nook. There is a small kitty door that leads to the garage and is Gracie's personal space. She can go there whenever she wants for some peace and privacy from the humans.
Our kitchen with the breakfast nook |
Our breakfast nook... |
...that included a painting of Venice and Gracie's personal apartment. |
Down the hall you will find all the bedrooms are on one side of the house. You will find our laundry closet with a brand new washing machine and dryer and a linen closet on the left as you are walking down the hall.
The hall leading up to all the bedrooms. |
My favorite feature of the house |
The master bedroom suite is on the left. It required some new paint to make it easier to go to sleep at night. There is a small desk in the corner with our computer. We have a removable fireplace with our TV on top. I love our master bathroom with an extra big shower. There are double sinks which was a must when looking for a house. We have a small walk in closet that we had to add an extra set of shelves up high to make room for all of Kris' clothes in the closet, too.
What is behind door number 1? |
Our master bedroom suite |
The master bathroom is big enough for both of us to get ready and for the cat to sit and watch. |
Looking out into the master bedroom suite from the bathroom. |
The middle bedroom is currently being used as our storage and junk room. As we began to unpack, we shifted all the boxes that we did not unpack into this room. It makes a nice den or office but we hope someday to use it as a nursery.
What can be behind door number 2? |
Our future nursery |
The third bedroom is our guest room. It must have been used a child's room as the walls were painted blue and yellow and the closets have soccer balls as handles. We gave it a some fresh copper paint. There is a desk and an extra computer. We are currently using the closet and dresser as extra storage.
What is hiding behind door number 3? |
An extra room just waiting for you. |
We have a nice guest bathroom that has a nice low bathtub perfect for bathing filthy kids after playing outside in the dirt and mud.
We have a nice fenced in back yard with a large oak tree just outside our fence. It shades most of the backyard in the summer and kids can run and play as much as they want in the safety of our own backyard. The landscaping is a little less to be desired but we hope to work on that starting in the spring. We are happy that here is a play set but we are probably going to take it down as some of the parts are rusted and unsafe for children to play on.
A backyard for hosting family barbecues and kids to play. |
There is a nice small screened in lanai where I can sit and watch the kids with a tall glass of lemonade and a book.
A great place to sit and enjoy a cool drink and a book. |
We have a nice two car garage which fits both our cars nicely. We set up Gracie's personal apartment in the back left. We have to put many objects in her way though so she does not wander into the garage and get hurt. There are many things there now that are not very safe for a little one like Gracie.
Always a work in progress but there is room for two cars and some storage. |
We have managed to make a small room just for our little Gracie. |
Thank you for coming and visiting us in our new home. Please do stop by and visit again. I will be sure to have everything cleaned up and organized when you come again to visit.
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