Friday, September 10, 2010


Genesis 2: 23-25

In the first year of marriage there are many milestones. Couples celebrate the first time for everything. Some can say it is because the couple is in the "honeymoon stage" of their marriage. I would say that no matter how long you have been married (a few months or 40 years) you ought to celebrate EVERY milestone even if it is just another day or month of marital bliss.

Today Kris and I are celebrating five whole months of marital bliss. This last month has flown by so quickly just as the first few months of marriage did. I am not sure where the time has gone since we were married. I cannot even think of the things we accomplished in this last month of marriage. We have had our share of ups and downs in the last 5 months. We have had our share of joys and sorrows. I know I have learned a lot in just these few months of marriage. We have learned lessons that we will remember and carry throughout the remainder of our marriage.

I am so happy to have found my Adam to my Eve. I am happy to have found the one who was made for me. We have been united as one flesh and we could not be happier. Despite our ups and downs, we love deeply and know that there is no one else we would rather have beside us in those times of trouble.

Happy Five Month-aversary to my wonderful husband.

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