Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy husband

Sirach 26: 1-4
1 Happy the husband of a good wife,
    twice-lengthened are his days;

2 A worthy wife brings joy to her husband,
   peaceful and full is his life.

3 A good wife is a generous gift
     upon him who fears the Lord;

4 Be he rich or poor, his heart is content,
    and a smile is ever on his face. 

I am proud to say that this is my happy husband. I just love that smile!

In the nine years we have been together, I have never seen him happier
It was a very long day but even after it was all said and done he was still happy!


  1. This is lovely - we should all strive to make and keep our spouses happy.

  2. Thanks Rita! It complements the Proverbs 31 wife that Kris already knows that I am. I love that he is smiling in all the pictures!

  3. I'm happy to see that you are working hard to have a Christian marriage. Doylene
