Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Landscape Art

My husband had been asking me for several weeks to come and join in the yard. I would always find a reason not to go out. It was just way too hot to be out there for longer than 5 minutes in the blazing sun. I found myself extremely tired and exhausted after even just a short walk to the mailbox. I just could not see myself pulling weeds on my hands and knees. My husband had so kindly been taking care of all the yard work he could just about handle on his own. Things were looking better but it certainly has turned out to be more work than one can do by themselves. I knew eventually I would have to venture out in the sun to help him create our landscape.

Today could  not have been a better day to start. The weather was just perfect for yard work. The sun beat down but it remained nice and cool until almost noon. A cool 71 degrees and plenty of shade to pull some weeds in a couple of the flowerbeds in the front and along the walk. I was able to pull some of the weeds which had detracted from much of the beauty that had begun to bloom in our yard. I even decided to name some of the plants. Giving them a name has helped me to want to get out there and keep up with the yard work. Kris kept up with his edging and even pulled the weeds that had begun to grow in the cracks of the driveway.

It was a nice day to work on the landscaping alongside my husband. I am so glad we had this chance to work together to make the outside of our home start to look like a home.

Here are some pictures of the the plants out in our yard.

The Bougainvillea

The bougainvillea before it started to bloom
The bougainvillea after it started to bloom. I decided to name it Bogey.

Some of the blooms

Bogey in bloom

Unfortunately, something has started to eat the leaves
 The Allamanda

The allamanda before it started to bloom
The allamanda after it started to bloom. I decided to name it Amanda.

Some of the blooms.
Amanda in bloom.

The Queen Palms

Our queen palms. I decided to name them Regina and Reina.

The oak tree

The oak tree in our backyard behind the fence. His name is Oakley.


  1. Your plants are beautiful. I sure do need to work in my yard. Doylene

  2. Thanks. I appreciate that. It takes much work and we are FAR from finished.
