Tuesday, May 3, 2011



May 3, 2011

After a two week hiatus from blogging, I am back in the swing of things again.

Outside my window... the sun is getting ready to set. According to weather.com, we are expecting slightly cooler temperatures tonight (in the 70s) but it will be back up into the 80s by tomorrow afternoon.

I am thinking... I need a little motivation to get some housework done.

I am thankful for... weekends with family. It was a busy weekend with much to celebrate but we had so much fun. I think I am still recovering. We have more family time planned for the next few weekends. I just cannot get enough.

From the kitchen... deviled eggs are in the making. Yummy!

Post Easter Deviled Eggs

I am wearing... a fresh pair of pajamas.

I am creating... a journal of Eileen-isms – Your everyday cliches with a dash of Eileen’s thoughts and ideas. Maybe someday I will publish it.

I am going... to the dentist. Three dentist appointments in three weeks are NOT fun.

I am reading...
nothing even though I have not finished the books I have started earlier this year. There are MANY books on the list but I have only finished a couple. I need to have a week just so I can catch up on reading
I am hoping praying... a Rosary every day for the special intentions of my family and friends. I pray around midnight while Kris is driving home from work. He prays in the car while I pray at home. It is like we are praying together. It has helped have restful sleep.

I am hearing...
sacred silence. It is a good time to spend some time with God and sort out the thoughts in my head.

Sacred Silence by Tom Booth

Around the house... there are always chores that need to get done. Motivation where have you gone?

One of my favorite things... a hot, relaxing, long shower to ease aches and pains and help get your mind off the worries of today.
A few plans for the rest of the week:

Wednesday: Dentist
Thursday: Prayer group
Friday: Family time

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

A boy and his dinosaur

My friend Rhea knitted a dinosaur (a Brachiosaurus) for my nephew Chas.

A dinosaur waits to be united with my nephew Chas.
Chas and his dinosaur are united for the first time.

The Simple Woman's Daybook is a brief outline for women/mothers who blog to use as a way to compose thoughts, plan the week, and keep a grateful heart. It is typically published once a week on Tuesdays.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Maestro

Holy Communion Mass
St. Margaret Mary, Winter Park, FL
Homily by Fr. Richard Walsh

Today we attended First Communion Mass for my nephew Dominic. The pastor, Fr. Walsh, gave an excellent homily. I wanted to video tape it but at Fr. Walsh's request I decided to just sit and listen. Now I wish I had a better view and continued to record. His homily was so inspiring not only to the kids making their First Communion today but also to some of the adults who were there. I can only try to retell what I remember from his Homily.

I found the video above to best retell the story that Fr. Walsh used in his Homily today. Various variations of the story can also be found online. The story involves famous pianist Ignacy Jan Paderewski. The part that touched me about his homily was not the story but how he related it to our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.

In his homily, Fr. Walsh compared each of the Communicants to the little boy on stage. Each one goes up to receive Communion for the first time with very limited knowledge about faith but Jesus reaches around from the left and from the right to embrace them with his love to make them complete. The realization is that Jesus does not just do this for the little ones with little knowledge of the faith but for all of us. Some days we are weak and our faith is lacking. Jesus reaches around each one of us and makes us each complete. He reminds us that we cannot do this alone. We each only play one instrument while He plays the rest to make it sound like a symphony. Some days we are strong and he harmonizes as to complement our piece.

Jesus is the one who completes our faith. We trust that He has already begun a good work in us and with His help we can finish the task we are set out to do.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Age is nothing but a number...

Happy 91st Birthday Lola Rosa!

Me: Please Grandma, tell me your secret. How do you look so young?
Grandma: A diet of chicken, fish, vegetables, and rice.
Me (to Kris): We are changing our diet tomorrow. I want to look like Grandma when I am 91.

Grandma Rosa and I at our wedding.
Grandma Rosa and I celebrating her 90th birthday

We were so blessed to have Grandma Rosa (my maternal Grandmother) living with us since I was just ten years old. I always remembered her as having a very active lifestyle. She was athletic and played volleyball into her 60s before moving to the States. She still gardens, sews, and walks everyday. She is healthy with only a few things that come along with "old age." She worked for public health back home in the Philippines (as told to us by my mother) which required her to walk from house to house giving shots, delivering babies, and providing health care for new mothers. She even went to the far off barrios and often stayed there for an entire week. Sometimes she did more than provide health care. She would clean their house, wash the clothes, and do other any other needed chores. She has been a great example of wife and mother.

We pray that she lives for many more years to come. We will be here to celebrate 100 with you Grandma Rosa. We love you!